About Us
About the congregation
The Kimberly church of Christ began to meet and worship together about fifteen years ago. Since that time this congregation has been responsible for teaching the truth of God’s divine word and converting souls to Christ. There is no eldership at the Kimberly church of Christ, however the congregation is lead by a group faithful men, and our building is clear of any debt. We are located in beautiful southern Idaho in a small town called Kimberly. This congregation is a family and always loves to have visitors.
We are presently looking for a full time minister: 28 to 50 years of age, married with or without children. One that believes the Word of God to be inspired and will preach the and teach the truth. One that will commit to work with us for several years to reach the lost in our area and to help us become stronger in the Faith. If interested contact Gary Graham 1-208-733-6869, Kirt Upton 1-208-316-0495, Sonny Dankemeyer 1-208-539-8593, or Wayland McClellan 1-208-544-0300. You can send a resume to Kimberly church of Christ, 2548 Rock Creek Road, Hansen, ID 83334.